indexing & quality texts

Which is the way to reach the top positions in the Google search engine. For some time, industry insiders have been committed to writing content following SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rules, often sacrificing the "quality" of texts and communication. The current scenario has totally changed and search engines have become more and more "human".
Useless or almost useless to commit resources and energy to follow an algorithm. We must bear in mind that the only goal of the web copywriter must be to make good communication by creating high quality content.

Ultimately we must write from the point of view, which is a human who will read our contents and not a "robot".

Google has recently invested a lot of resources to enhance its algorithms by introducing new rules to evaluate the quality of published texts.
In recent times, he has also decided to rely on criteria that contribute more to a qualitative analysis of the texts.
Only quantitative criteria are no longer needed (number of keywords, meta tags, number of accesses, reciprocal links, etc.).

Google indexes the contents published on the web, following the characteristics that a text must have in order to obtain a good ranking.
To create sustainable and quality content, you need to keep in mind the different aspects related to the user.

More and more websites show quality text content.
This aspect alone can already give excellent results in terms of ranking.