future scenarios, after the covid-19

How will the places of our daily life change? What new scenarios could open up for the professions? A virus has blocked the world but not thoughts and reflections.


The CNMI will offer digital formats for the London and Paris fashion week with entirely digital events and remote visits dedicated to the showrooms. Development and improvements of eCommerce sites of high fashion that can increasingly satisfy the demanding requests of users and technological training of employees for a more important role of online commerce. Many customers will prefer to avoid long queues in the fitting rooms and avoid wearing garments that have already been tried on by others and for this reason stores will have to offer added value to simple online purchases: a Brand Experience original independent from the traditional channel used up to now and with a particular differentiation on the times and methods of delivery of the garments. 


In urban architecture, the quality of life will be a determining factor for the future design of spaces. «More rarefied and alternating flows will have to be the new measure. A season not without unknowns opens, a completely new state transition: from the self-retraction of social life, we will look for forms of adaptation towards a gradual, and hopefully fast, process of extroversion in public spaces. The wish for all is that this adaptation is not without surprises and happy intuitions. It is urgent to be aware of how decisive it is to restore centrality to the expressive power of public space» edited by Maurizio Cilli in ” WELCOME TO THE POST-ANALOG CONDITION“.  


The designers are already operational to design digital tools necessary to secure the customer and staff: from totems for body measurement, virtual menus and much more in The sun 24 hours . There are no «common guidelines» but what we know for sure is that going to lunch and/or dinner will never be the same again. Restaurants, public places will become no-touch, handles, manual accessories, light switches and cash payments will disappear.

From today's touch we will move on to tomorrow's no touch“. 


The open space could enter a crisis in the next projects while the "Vasari Corridor" could return in a more or less short time. The old corridor it will re-establish boundaries as a passage from one space to another in the run-up to finding one's own privacy during the time spent in smart working.

L' actuality and the telework they will probably lead us to a greater search for functionality and intimacy in the living of the future.


How will the office transform itself? This experience of smart working within the walls of the house has made us reflect on many aspects and above all on one, how important data protection and security are with the adoption of new videoconferencing platforms. A second, no less important aspect is that of being able to work in suitable environments for the protection of health and of those around us; also in this case the concept of open space could enter a crisis, giving way to layout offices from the 80s

This dramatic pandemic experience "already written" in the history books, will create a trend reversal of spaces and social relationships, where most likely we will no longer talk about the removal of barriers but the need to build different ones, for a safer coexistence of the individual and with the aim of protecting mankind.

Playtime For Tati M.hul 014

Playtime for Tati M. Hulot hunts for Giffard in an office of Mondrian geometry